Saturday, February 16, 2013


So I'm watching American Idol this week and this girl, who has been very good, walks on stage to do a solo in front of the judges.  The purpose of this round is to stand out and show the judges what makes you special.  I should say, what makes your voice and your personality special.  Take a chance, take a risk, but don't go overboard.

You know like Angela Miller did.  She went overboard. She went up on stage and showed why she is unique, that her voice is amazing, and then she took two risks that she probably shouldn't have.  She sang an original song (yikes) and sang a song about Jesus (double yikes).

The best part of the story is that it all paid off.  She moved on to the next round and is in the Top 20 girls category. 

I guess the more important thing to take from this performance is Angela's boldness.  She has an amazing voice and could have easily picked a song that everyone knew and breezed through the round.  Instead, she took a couple of minutes to spread the message of Jesus to millions.  Now that's being bold about your faith.

If you missed the performance, here you go:

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